3742 Morrison Rd, Denver, CO 80219
Veggie Viernes will take place every 3rd Friday of the month from May - October at the RISE Westwood Campus & Kahlo's Restaurant. It will highlight vegan food from Latinx/BIPOC/woman owned businesses, feature an art show, Aztec dancing, live music, lowriders, youth activities and more.
Tzoalli - "Amaranth Skull" Making Workshop
Join us for a FREE Youth Amaranth Skull Making Workshop on Friday, September 17 at Veggie Viernes. Make your own Amaranth Skull to take home and help us create some to place on the altar for the upcoming Mikailhuitl events held on September 18th and on September 25th. All materials will be provided along with Free snacks and drinks. To make sure we have enough supplies, please register using the link below.